Monday, May 18, 2009

Stem Cell Research

Neil Gaiman's Journal: The #StemCellResearch Post and Her Majesty's Armoured Novelists

If you're not a Neil Gaiman fan (and if you're not, you should be), just read the first part of this post, and then go share your opinion.

I think this is an important topic.

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1 comment:

Bill Baar said...

I'm opposed to Embryonic Stem Cell research too. I get their from a purely humanistic path but the Bishops deserve a lot of credit for mobilizing people on the issue.

It's one of those things people know little about but once they learn about, and start connecting the dots, and contemplating what this would mean in terms of harvesting embryos..especially if commercially viable therapies result from the research, and it's realy troubling stuff from my prospective.