Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rev. Cyn: More on Atheism, Agnosticism, and Humanism, and the Nature of God

Rev. Cyn: More on Atheism, Agnosticism, and Humanism, and the Nature of God

In some sort of strange synchronicity, this is very close to the conversation that I had with my 10 year old last night! And I share almost all of Rev. Cyn's personal theology. I would also call myself a Religous or maybe Mystic (as in embracing mystery) Humanist. Or maybe even a Theistic Humanist.

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1 comment:

Robin Edgar said...

Well I am definitely a Theist and consider myself to be a Humanist in this traditional dictionary sense of the word "humanist" -

"One who is concerned with the interests and welfare of humans."

So I guess that makes me a Theist Humanist or a Religious Humanist or a Humanist Theist.

I most certainly do not reject all religious beliefs and I do not believe that someone can be a true Humanist without having some basic respect for and understanding of the religious impulse in human beings.