Thursday, June 25, 2009

My favorite time of year

Summer has finally arrived, since Solstice! I find it so much easier to commit to my morning meditation walk when it's warm out ;). Wimp.

Anyway, I am missing church; we haven't been since the RE year ended, for a variety of reasons, and probably won't go this weekend, as I have to drive the big girls to the Adirondacks for camp.

However, we've been communing with nature. The new used mower is dead already, so the lawn is more like a field. We went to Seabreeze yesterday - the camera is in the car, but I just found photos from LAST year on my cell phone! It was a perfect day. 80s, sunny, lots of time on the rides and in the water park and I even got to go on two water slides and a couple of rides. The kids all had a blast; there's something for everyone there and it's not so big that the older kids can't run off with their friends. Three homeschool groups came together and planned to go yesterday, so there were friends everywhere we looked!

Today is catch up day with cleaning and packing for camp. Park Day in the afternoon if all goes well, and a chance to rest this evening I hope.

I am writing all of this merely to console myself that I'm not at GA :::le sigh::: It sounds so wonderful but I couldn't make it happen this year. Maybe next year, right before I start my CPE in July...

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