Saturday, August 9, 2008

Different Personalities

We've got the cringer, the wannabe vegan/PETA member, and the champion around here.

S. saw a spider by the hose, which she needed to clean out the bunny's litter box. She ran screaming inside, telling me. I suggested she ignore it, or get a stick and nudge him to a friendlier (for her) location.

NO way. Screaming and foot stomping ensued.

E. yells from the kitchen, "Don't kill the spider!" "If you move it, it'll die!"

A large argument ensues, which I try to ignore, as I was in the shower.

A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door.


J., 3 years old, says, "Mama, can I put my shoes on? I'll go move the spider for S, OK?"

OK, dear. My hero.


We're off on a short, much-needed vacation. Hubby decided to accompany us after all, and promises not to pace and worry about money while we're gone. The car is packed, the kids are making sandwiches for our lunch, and I have to run!

I left a message for the evaluator of my last 4 credits to call me and set up and interview, the application packet is en route to Chicago, the reference letters are on their way to all and sundry, I have an email out to a potential spiritual director for my Wellspring experience this year - things are in motion, and it feels so good.

Vacation comes at a perfect time this year. Still debating whether to take the laptop or not...probably yes, just to delete mail as it comes in. Posting will be sparse, I hope.

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